by Robert Fox
With security threats on the rise every year, it can be a very dangerous world out there in cyberspace. However, we are here to provide you with a list of the most common online security threats you should know about so that you can help keep yourself protected and safe online.
After all, if you think you're safe with just antivirus software alone, you may want to think again - as cyber-criminals are coming up with new ways to steal your personal information by hijacking your computer. Which is why, in this article, we are going to over the most common online security threats.
Want to ensure you stay safe on the web after familiarizing yourself with the most common online security threats? Check out our Online Security Tips - An Essential Guide to Being Safe on the Web article.
Short for "malicious software", malware is one of the most common ways for infiltrating your computer and even possibly causing damage to it. Malicious software includes such threats as computer viruses, spyware, adware, worms, and Trojan horses.
What Can Malware Do?
A computer virus is a malicious piece of software that not only can affect one computer without the knowledge of the user but its intent is to spread to and infect other computers as well. Even visiting a website can trigger the automatic download of a virus.
Spam in a security context is what we all know to be unwanted messages in your email inbox - junk mail as it is also referred to. In a nutshell, spam is the mass distribution of unsolicited messages, pornography or advertising to various email addresses (easily found on the internet through social media sites).
What Can Spam Do?
Is a collection of software robots, or bots, also known as a "Zombie army" that are remotely controlled by the originator. These "zombie" computers typically run programs like worms, backdoors or Trojan horses.
What Can Botnets Do?
Hacking is a term that describes the actions someone takes to gain unauthorized access to your computer.
What Can Hacking Do?
Is a common form of spoofing in which fake websites, fake emails, and text messages are produced and look like they are from a legitimate source. However they aren't and are designed to steal personal and financial information from you.
What Can Phishing Do?
Is a malicious software program that can self-replicate and tremendous speeds. It can live in your computer memory and doesn't require attaching itself to programs or files like a virus does.
What Can Worms Do?
While you may not be familiar with what a Trojan horse is, chances are that you or someone you know might be or has been affected by one. It is a malicious program that can either disguise itself or embed itself into legitimate software.
What Can Trojan Horses Do?
Ransomware is a type of malware that after it restricts access to your files and computer it requires you to make a payment in order to remove the restrictions. Website pop-up ads and phishing emails are the two most common forms of infection.
What Can Ransomware Do?
There are two different forms of ransomware
In order to gain access to your computer, the ransomware will display a notification that your system has been locked or encrypted and demands a payment to unlock it.
Third parties often use spyware and adware to infiltrate your computer by collecting your personal information without you even knowing. This is usually done in the form of some "free" download and installed automatically without your knowledge.
What Can Spyware Do?
Now that you've familiarized yourself with the most common security threats you should know about, ensure to keep your personal information protected by checking out our Online Security Tips - An Essential Guide to Being Safe on the Web article. After all, you don't want you personal information falling into the wrong hands, do you?
About Robert Fox
Rob Fox is a former hydro worker who used to teach self defence in Miami for 10 years. He's currently enjoying his retirement, playing cribbage and golf with his buddies, locksmithing and home security in his spare time. Rob is an avid reader, and has even written a few books on the subject of self defence.
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