by Robert Fox
When it comes to the Best Home Security Blogs And Websites, there are a lot of great ones out there - almost too many to choose from, in fact. That's why we've managed to narrow our list down to a reasonable number - 10! Why 10? Well, its a nice round number, and we feel that by highlighting our Top 10, we are able to provide a nice cross-section of what's out there currently.
You might not expect how much there is to talk about when it comes to keeping your home safe, but once you take a peek at our list of top home security blogs, you'll understand that there's a wide world of interesting info out there - all written by bloggers who are very passionate and dedicated to keeping homes safe. Not only that, but this being 2015, the level of innovation we're seeing these days when it comes to home security is often … well, its incredible, really! So it makes sense that bloggers have a lot to talk about. That's part of the reason we're so busy around here, because there's always something new on the horizon and the learning never really stops. Without further delay, we present you with…
Keep in mind that these home security blogs and websites are in no particular order. We're not playing favorites here. Each one of these website is great in its own way and we have chosen it for a particular reason which we will tell you more about in a minute.
In terms of our list, we will provide you with the name of the blog or website, a url to get you there, a short description of what its all about (according to us), and then an image to show you what the website looks like. Onward!
You may know SimpliSafe because of their awesome wireless home security system (read our detailed review over here), which is quite possibly the best contract-free, easy-to-use home monitoring package on the market today.
Based on their excellent reputation alone, it should come as no surprise that in addition to offering some of the best home security gear you can get, the folks at SimpliSafe also maintain an extremely helpful and topical home security blog, which speaks to a variety of subjects and concerns which all revolve around keeping your home safe and secure in 2015.
We love reading their blog posts, which go above and beyond just talking about themselves and their products. There's a ton of great tips on this blog, which they keep up to date and even seasonal. For instance, when its summertime, they've got posts about how to BBQ safely and tips on how to keep your home safe while you're away on vacation. There's also blog posts which feature real people who have stories to share, which we always find very interesting.
We highly recommend checking in on this blog (definitely worth a bookmark), as SimpliSafe are always dedicated to providing value in more ways than one.
Based out of Southwest Ohio, GoKeyless is all about locks and has been an authorized dealer for many of the most popular locks on the market such as Allegion, Master Lock, Yale, Schlage, and Baldwin to name but a few. If you're looking for more information about home security products and a great online store to purchase them from, GoKeyless deals directly with the companies themselves and sell to all 50 states plus 140 countries around the world.
In terms of a home security blog, GoKeyless indeed has one on their website, which focuses generally on locks, and more specifically, on keyless locks, since this is their area of expertise. That said, this isn't just some boring blog about locks, locks, and more locks.
What the GoKeyless website offers us here with their blog is something which is, like SimpliSafe's blog, up-to-date, seasonal, connected to current events, and all of this aimed at keeping homes safe. GoKeyless has a great team of writers keeping things fresh (some blogs have trouble doing this and get stale quickly), and each article has something that reels you in and makes you want to bookmark this blog.
One minor nitpick here is that the blog could be overlooked, as its kind of sitting there nonchalantly in the upper right corner of the homepage. Ah well, you can always get there from our url above if you forget.
Our introduction to SmartThings was through the SmartThings Hub, which you may have heard of. Its a great home security monitoring system along the lines of the SimpliSafe home security system, but different. To read our detailed review of the SmartThings Hub, click here.
So yeah, SmartThings definitely knows a lot about home security, due to developing some of the most handy and up-to-date equipment you can get.
Which is why its only natural that SmartThings also has a blog, and we can appreciate the format of their blog, which, like the others we've mentioned so far, is nice and neat - kind of like a newspaper - and covers a variety of informative topics surrounding the topic of home security.
Another thing we like about the SmartThings blog is that it is organized really well. There are subheadings for each section, including "Stories", "How To", "Round Ups", etc. They do have a section on their own gear, which is fine by us, because we are fans of their products, but its also nice that they spread the love around and feature all sorts of interesting articles on their site. We feel that this is a sign of a quality blog, in that a quality blog has a lot going on that looks at the big picture, not just staying within their own little bubble. Another great home security blog worth bookmarking by SmartThings!
Most people have heard of Lifehacker, the weblog that specializes in "life hacks" of all sorts, and is sort of this ever-expanding resource on a boatload of topics on how to do this or improve upon that. Its a really cool concept they've got going, and if you happen to not know about the website, we recommend you check it out. You can even sign up to be on Lifehacker, and get your own account. Nice.
Well, as far as the home security "blog" of Lifehacker we mentioned, there really isn't one. However, just do a quick search using "home security" as your tag, and you can basically turn Lifehacker into an extensive home security blog just by doing that (see the url we supplied above).
When you basically sort Lifehacker in this way, you get a lengthy list of awesome home security related blog posts, making Lifehacker a great source for all kinds of home security information you won't find anywhere else.
On the upside, this way of arranging Lifehacker to help you find cool articles about home security actually looks like a home security blog, so you just have to scroll down and you'll be met with a medley of articles that are extremely diverse, and yet are all tied together by the common theme of home security.
On the downside, since this isn't a real blog, it isn't arranged like one. What we've basically done is gone searching by the tag of "home security" and gotten a wide variety of results. These results aren't really in any kind of order, so that isn't so helpful. But what you can do is simply enter into your address bar on your browser "//" followed by whatever you want to find on Lifehacker, and see what comes up. This may not be the most effective method, but its just another way of searching Lifehacker for specific posts. All in all, the point is that Lifehacker has some great home security articles, and you might want to check out their selection as it is rather vast.
Kwikset is one of the leading lock manufacturers in the world, and well known for their two most popular products, Kevo and SmartKey. Obviously, its hard to be involved with home security and not be a fan of Kwikset, as they are one of the main innovators in the field, always striving to create products to make our lives easier and less stressful. Here is a link to some of our detailed reviews on Kwikset products.
Being huge fans of Kwikset as we have mentioned, it wasn't long before we became aware of Kwikset's own home security blog, which features articles on home automation, tips and tricks, and info on many of the most groundbreaking new Kwikset products.
If this were merely a blog on Kwikset's products, this blog would still probably make the list since, like we said, Kwikset is at the forefront of home security and automation, with a big focus on "smart" products. And we love smart products, and anything that can make our homes more versatile when it comes to home security. Not all smart products by every company really bring home the bacon though, but the ones made by Kwikset do, which is why we like to keep our ear to the ground on such matters.
In addition, there are many helpful posts that are packed full of all-purpose home security info that you'll want to read when you check out the Kwikset blog. So take your pick - you can learn a lot from the great articles that are about Kwikset products, or you can find even more articles about home security to pique your interest. Everything on this blog is worth at least a look if not a full read so have at 'er.
Of all the home security companies that ought to have a blog, its Schlage. And will you look at that - it does! Schlage, for those who don't know, is perhaps the biggest of all lock companies, having been around for almost a century and delivering some of the highest rated home security products out there. Click hereto check out our page that's all about Schlage and with many detailed reviews of their products.
With regards to their blog, we feel that Schlage has done something really interesting here. What's that, you ask? Well, what we think is really cool about this home security blog is that they really manage to get away from home security a fair bit. I mean, we're talking about Schlage here, the company that is perhaps as closely associated with security as you can get, and here they are writing all sorts of blog posts about Bauhaus-inspired home decor, picking the right front door for your home, and remodeling your bedroom.
In any other circumstance, we might say that this is going a little too far off-topic, but since its Schlage, we like to give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to what they've got to say. Besides, the information they provide about home security is so detailed and on point that its nice to have a little break from back-to-back-to-back articles about smart home security sometimes. Our appetite for all things home security is pretty insatiable, but still, we like that Schlage changes it up. Whereas Kwikset seems to go the other way, by giving us a lot of info on their products, Schlage distinguishes itself by not just talking about security, but other home-related topics as well. If that sounds like your thing, follow the url link above to have a look at their blog.
Frontpoint are the makers of their own highly rated home security system, and their website is all about that system. In all honesty, we've heard nothing but good things about it from customers, although we haven't tried it ourselves. Its worth noting that Frontpoint is an authorized dealer of GE security products, which gives them more credibility in our eyes vs. other sites that have no connections to big names.
Just purely from a home security blog perspective, we can safely say that Frontpoint delivers the goods in terms of quality content. If you take a look around the blog, you will find a multitude of helpful home security articles of all sorts. Sure, there is a bit of a slant towards Frontpoint products on this blog, but that's really no different from a blog like the one offered by Kwikset, and really, what better way to talk about home security than through talking about what you know best - your own product.
The layout of this blog is clean and easy to navigate, and its updated often. We always have a preference for home security blogs that are being kept current, and Frontpoint does that. We can also appreciate that the articles on this blog don't look like they've just been carbon-copied from other blogs, as some of the less creative writers on the internet are known to do. If you've seen some of the different home security blogs out there, many of them are grasping at straws for what to write about, but Frontpoint has no problem in that department - they've got good writers. This blog definitely has a lot of variety in terms of interesting articles that are still on topic, which is always a plus. Things are sorted by date, so that's how you know that they're not behind the times. You can click on the left hand side to read articles in a specific category, which is also cool.
Our one complaint really is that locating this website's blog page from the home page is not at all easy. Of course, you can always use our url above but in terms of even finding the blog, you'll be lucky if you can locate where it is on their homepage.
A Secure Life is a little bit more broad topic-wise than our previous entries on this list. This blog is divided between covering both home security matters, as well as all things related to online security. They have definitely gotten the word out about themselves, having been featured in such diverse publications as Nerd Wallet, Money Magazine, and Hampton Roads.
As we've kind of pointed out throughout this article, there are a couple formats that keep popping up when it comes to home security blogs, and they are those that are laser-targeting home security concerns, and those that like to, shall we say, spread their wings, and cover a much more diverse amount of information for the sake of variety or just because the website in question warrants such diversity. For instance, Schlage makes the choice to offer up a variety of topics on their site - not just strictly home security. That's their protocol. For the average user, it really depends on whether they are looking to learn only about home security, or if they are interested in a broader outlook. With A Secure Life here, you get a dual purpose (home vs. online security), which essentially is a broader outlook.
For what its worth, the number of quality articles A Secure Life does offer on home security is really quite staggering. Even if it takes up half the blog, there is certainly enough content here to keep you learning something new for quite a while. Our personal feeling on this site is that once you get into the groove of reading about home security, once in a while you won't mind reading about other types of security-related articles, and soon you'll just be bookmarking articles on this site left, right, and center.
Personally, we feel this is a great blog with a nice, clean look, and if you are looking for a specific home security topic, there's always the search bar to assist you, right there on the homepage.
Protect Your Home is one of those sites that does a lot of business in the home security niche, while at the same time runs a very clean and proper blog which sticks to the topic that is the same as the name of the blog: home protection.
We can appreciate this blog on many levels, starting with the sheer amount of useful info on here. These guys have talked about every topic to do with home safety under the sun, and if you look at the category selections on the right hand side, you'll see that within the overall home security topic, there are many sub-topics that are all still related back to the main topic.
We like these guys because they practice what they preach. Meaning, not only do they sell a wide variety of products to keep your home safe, they offer tips on how to use them as well as lot of other helpful information in order to keep things secure at home. We can appreciate how they are quite methodical here in terms of covering all of their bases topic-wise and even in their writing they are quite factual and systematic, while still being quite in awe of the innovations taking place within their field, which is why we think these guys are on the right track.
What can we say except that this blog kicks major butt and you will once again need to be ready to bookmark this excellent home security resource.
This blog maybe isn't much to look at, but it keeps the DIY aesthetic alive and well here and its heart is certainly in the right place when it comes to home security. Like any blog of this sort, we find that there is definitely a bias towards certain products - namely, the products that the website endorses generally speaking. That said, there are a lot of big names tied in with this website which makes it worth digging around in.
If the site looks a bit err…old school, you need only scroll down the home page a little ways in order to see that this site has been up and running as a blog for 6 years now, which is a fair amount of time in the blog-o-sphere, and also that's plenty of time for a great deal of information about home security to accumulate. That's right, there are literally mountains of posts here about various DIY techniques for making your home secure, which is why we wanted to include this blog on our list, because it is rather unique in its approach.
One interesting thing that can be said about this no frills blog is that there are tons of videos to watch on here. Installation is a huge theme on this website, and so if you learn visually rather than just by reading text, you could be watching videos on here for days on end trying to get up to speed with what the site is pumping out.
Like we said, this site has been around for a while now so it has its own little community going, and you're welcome to join it if you don't mind the somewhat dated look of the site itself (no offense, guys, but your site is a bit homely - part of the appeal, perhaps?)
It was our pleasure to put this list together as we don't want anyone to miss out on the amazing articles and information that we've enjoyed that these sites are offering when it comes to keeping your home safe, not to mention a whole lot of other related articles offered by these experts in the field!
We highly recommend you check out these websites, because we truly feel these are the best ones you'll find on the topic at hand in 2015.
Until next year, thanks for reading…
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About Robert Fox
Rob Fox is a former hydro worker who used to teach self defence in Miami for 10 years. He's currently enjoying his retirement, playing cribbage and golf with his buddies, locksmithing and home security in his spare time. Rob is an avid reader, and has even written a few books on the subject of self defence.
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