As the Most Famous Impostor; Frank Abagnale, at 16-Year-Old, Pretends to Be a Pilot, Pocketing 2.5 Million USD

by Robert Fox

Frank Abagnale is one of the most famous impostors in history. He has successfully pretended to be a pilot, a lawyer, and a doctor. He has scammed millions of dollars from people and organizations, and has evaded capture by the FBI many times.

Abagnale's story was made into a Hollywood movie called "Catch Me If You Can" starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Abagnale.

As the Most Famous Impostor; Frank Abagnale (left), at 16-Year-Old, Pretends to Be a Pilot, Pocketing 2.5 Million USD

Photo Credit: Money

Born in 1948, Abagnale grew up in New York. His father was an abusive man who often beat him. When he was 16, his parents divorced and he ran away from home.

He started his life of crime by forging checks. He would forge the signatures of bank employees and cash the checks. He also created fake IDs and used them to cash more forged checks.

He eventually moved on to bigger scams. He pretended to be a pilot and flew around the world, staying in luxury hotels and racking up huge bills that he never paid. He also pretended to be a lawyer and worked as a hospital administrator.

In all, he is estimated to have scammed over $ 2.5 million from people and organizations.

He was finally caught by the FBI in 1969, but escaped from custody and continued his life of crime. He was recaptured a few years later and sent to prison.

He was released from prison in 1974 and has since worked with the FBI, helping them to catch other criminals. He has also written a best-selling book about his experiences, "Catch Me If You Can."

About Robert Fox

Rob Fox is a former hydro worker who used to teach self defence in Miami for 10 years. He's currently enjoying his retirement, playing cribbage and golf with his buddies, locksmithing and home security in his spare time. Rob is an avid reader, and has even written a few books on the subject of self defence.

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